Patching & Repairs


Every day it seems, we walk into occupied buildings or buildings under renovation that are in need of the existing fireproofing being brought up to code.  Sure, the simplest option is to wait until a building official or fire marshal stops by and forces the issue.  However, fireproofing is a matter of life safety and maintains the structural integrity of the building in the event of a fire.  Not only could it save lives, but it is almost always more costly if fireproofing issues are put off until absolutely necessary, due to accessibility.

At East Coast Fireproofing Co., Inc. we are able to provide solutions to resolve problems with your fireproofing.  We offer various methods of application using state of the art equipment and we can adjust to meet your schedule and scope of work.  Our extensive inventory allows us to be ready to meet most needs immediately. We stock or have quick access to all major manufacturers’ products.  Over the years we have come up with a number of different pricing options, due to the variety of applications and conditions we encounter.  Call us today if you have any existing fireproofing issues! We will be happy to come take a look and provide options to meet your needs!

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